Thursday, November 20, 2008


Podcasts really do add a new dimension to the way in which we send and receive information. Personally I have accessed podcasts from radio programs, usually after someone has come to the library and told us about an author that has been on a program and that they were flogging their latest book etc.

In that dimension, podcasts have really revolutionised the radio industry. The radio program is now no longer limited to that one time, place or station. Anyone, anywhere in the world can access radio programs via a few clicks. Podcasts could be viewed as a possible saviour to the radio medium and its future direction.

In the Library environment podcasts have yet to be fully utilised and provide as with unending possibilities for their use. How many of us have been unable to attend a meeting and would love to know what discussion took place? Podcasts provide an avenue for meetings, discussions, lectures and library programs to be recorded and saved as podcasts on library websites and then accessed by any interested party.

There is the possibility that training sessions and notes could be converted to podcasts, which for those of us who benefit from that type of interactive with our learning, it could open up a whole new learning section.


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