Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well this has been an interesting week. Mashups are indeed an interesting Internet invention and the possibility for their use would appear never ending.

Having said this I still a little sceptical as to the point of the whole thing.

I like the idea of including Google Maps into websites and I could see this being used in an historical for towns to identify historical landmarks. This is something that I will perhaps keep in mind when I am looking through the old photos of the Tumut Shire. You never know one day I may feel that it is necessary to mash the photos, Google Maps and information together to create a historical website for the Shire. This will only be when I have completely nothing else left to do and I have sat and done nothing for a long period of time.

For this exercise I created a "Motivational Poster' from a quirky picture I discovered on the Internet.

For now Cheers!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

There are some great ideas here - I look forward to seeing what happens.

Ellen (PLS)